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Coach Pitch (League Ages 6*-8)


Introduction: In the Instructional Coach Pitch program, players learn to play baseball on a small field (60’ base paths) focusing on learning positions, fielding, throwing and hitting at thrown baseball (coach pitch). All players should learn the standard nine defensive positions. Parents/players can expect initial practices beginning in March and 1-2 games per week beginning in April. Games are used for instructional purposes.  Coaches are permitted on the field of play. Runs and game scores are not counted or recorded. There are no division standings, playoffs or all-star tournament play at the end of the season for Instructional Coach Pitch.  Particularly early in the season, coaches may elect to use tees for hitting in lieu of enforcing strike outs after giving players an opportunity to hit a thrown ball.  By mid-season however, enforcement of strikeouts after a maximum of 6 strikes should be enforced.

What is Expected from Coach Pitch Players?

• Players will learn the basics of the hitting, throwing and fielding.
• Players will develop an awareness of fielding positions, the “ready step” to be prepared to field the ball, and learn what to do if the ball is hit to them depending on the game situation.  
• Players will learn how to be coached (receiving and responding to instruction and acting on constructive criticism as well as how to be a member of a team). 
• Players will learn by practicing drills, throwing around the bases, hitting off the "tee" in practice to develop proper mechanics as well as hitting thrown pitches, fielding ground balls and pop-ups with throws to cut-off players.
• Players will learn to hit soft toss, front toss and coach pitch from a kneeling position at ~ 40’ distance, thrown at ~35MPH.
• Players will continue to develop throwing overhand with proper mechanics, building arm strength and accuracy.

What is Expected from Volunteers and Parent Coaches?

• Volunteer parents/coaches need to complete a background check by Mid-March.  Please check the Volunteer Page and utilize the Volunteer Form.  There is no cost for the background check. All volunteers on the field of play and regularly working with children, must have a background check.
• Coaches – at least one per team, should participate in the League Safety Meeting and Coach preparation sessions.  Please check the League Calendar and watch your email as the season approaches.
• Coaches should learn how to run a good practice with age-appropriate drills.  Resources are available on the AGALL website (Team Central tab).
• Head Coaches will be given a roster of players with contact information.  
• All player information is confidential and not to be given out to anyone or used for any other purpose than to facilitate team activities during the season.

 The Official Little League Rule Book will be used for the Avon Grove LL programs, unless superseded by one of the following special Avon Grove Little League Rules:

  • No official game book or scores are kept for the Coach Pitch Division and there are no league standings.

 In the event a parent requests a League Age 6 player to play at the Instructional Coach Pitch Level, you may register your player in this division, but we ask that you make an honest assessment of your player as to
whether they possess the baseball skills and emotional maturity to handle ‘playing up’ in the next division.

Minimum requirements include:

  • At least one (1) year off Tee Ball experience thru AGALL or an equivalent program from another little league as determined by the AGALL Board.
  • Player should understand the basic concepts of fielding, throwing and catching a baseball consistent with the coach pitch age group/division.
  • Player should have the ability to hit overhand pitched baseballs consistent with the ability of a first year Coach Pitch player (making contact ~ 25% of thrown strikes). 
  • Player must demonstrate the maturity to take instruction from coaches at the level appropriate for League Age 7 & 8 players.

Provisions include:

  • These cases will be infrequent and limited to a small number of players each year.
  • Eligibility will depend on the overall registration volumes of Instructional players (League Age 7-8)
  • The decision to allow a player to "play up" is at the sole discretion of the AGALL Board of Directors.

 Registration will drive the number of teams.  The league will seek to divide the census of players into teams of ten to thirteen players of equivalent ability. Volunteer Managers and Coaches are then recruited if still needed.  If you are interested in Coaching, please indicate as such when you register your child and also register yourself.  Please use the special comments section to note any player requests.

 Weather depending, practices will start around the middle to end of March with games starting in April. Teams should expect to play approximately twelve games, again weather permitting. The concentration of Coach Pitch is to develop basic fundamentals through practices and games.  Coaching will focus on developing confidence through repetition and drills.  

ON THE FIELD COACHING:  Two defensive coaches may be on the field (in the shallow outfield grass) to help coach the defense. The coach pitching as well as two base coaches (first & third base) may help the offense.

SCORES/STANDINGS:  No official game score is kept during games, and there are no league standings.

POSITIONS:  All players should be given the opportunity to play every position throughout the season, taking into consideration player safety (for example, the player’s ability to catch a thrown ball to first base or as catcher). Coaches will set the expectation with players and families that players will take turns playing both infield and outfield during each game. Players must also equally share time on the bench insofar as practical.  Rotating the players so that no player sits more than one inning in a row is preferable. The defense should consist of three outfielders, four infielders, a catcher, and a pitcher.  One additional outfielder may be used if mutually agreed to by each coach in order to facilitate game play.

BATTING ORDER:  The batting order for the Coach Pitch division will be continuous.  All players present for the game must be assigned a spot in the batting order. Each player is required to bat in his or her respective spot in the batting order.

AT-BATS:  An at bat consists of approximately 6-10 pitches, and in the first half of the season there are no strikeouts.  Players may use a tee to hit the ball if they fail to hit after 6 strikes.  We will encourage the batter to be aggressive at the plate and not “look for a walk”.  As the season progresses, a transition to enforcing strikeouts will take place, particularly for second year coach pitch players and those who are demonstrating an ability to consistently hit a thrown ball.

INNINGS / GAME PLAY: A team's turn at bat ends with the sooner of 3 outs or 5 runs.

RAIN/CANCELLATIONS:  Coaches are responsible for making a joint decision to play or cancel games due to rain or wet conditions and coordinating make up games with the Vice President of Baseball or their delegate to obtain field space.

RECOGNITION: If the individual team manager's wish to give the children a small token of accomplishment at the end of the season they are welcome to do so. There should be no individual MVP or similar awards.



Avon Grove Area Little League
PO Box 70 West Grove PA 19390, Complex Address: 130 Schoolhouse Road
West Grove, Pennsylvania 19390

Email: [email protected]

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